Dhiyampati first attended yoga classes in the late 80’s in London. He completed his teacher training at the Maida Vale Iyengar Institute in London between 2001 and 2004, and has attended classes in Pune, India with the Iyengars. Since 2008 he has taught yoga full-time in Cambridge England, he moved to Barcelona in August 2022 and since then he has been teaching both one to one and group clases in the centre of Barcelona. At the moment Dhiyampati teaches two weekly classes (details below) at the Triratna Buddhist Centre here in Barcelona. There is a fully equipped Yoga space.

If you are unable to attend the class but are interested in Yoga in English, Dhiyampati also teaches online, and offers private classes. Some of his clients include musicians in Professional Orchestras based in Barcelona.  You con contact him via his WhatsApp Group in which he publishes information and updates.

Iyengar yoga was developed by BKS Iyengar (1918 – 2014) who systematised over 200 classical asanas (postures) and many pranayama techniques. Emphasis is placed on precise alignment in the postures and use is made of props such as belts, blocks, bricks, and blankets in order that students of any level can work safely and effectively within the asanas. It is one of the most practiced forms of yoga worldwide.

The benefits of regular practice can include enhanced flexibility, strength and balance, as well as improved mental clarity and emotional stability.



Price: €10

Class Time: Mondays  17:00h – 18:00h  Fridays 17:30h – 18:30h

*Please check dates on the calendar*

Place: Centro Budista Triratna de Barcelona.

Level: Open to all levels.